sastee vastu example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word sastee vastu usage in english sentences. The examples of sastee vastu are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., gift.

The leavened, oven-baked bread is a gift of the Portuguese to India.

Godan (The Gift of Cow), published in 1936, remains Premchand's best-known work.
My life companion is a thin reedy person with the gift of a sprinter.
Is this the right way to promote democracy? Should a democratic country wage a war and invade other countries for establishing democracy there? Does external help work in every case? Or does it work only when the people of a nation are actively engaged in a struggle to make their societies democratic? Even if external intervention leads to the establishment of democracy in a country, would it last long? Would it enjoy the support of its citizens? Finally, is the use of external force to gift democracy to the people in keeping with the spirit of democracy? Think about these questions in the light of all that you have learnt in this chapter.
It is a sort of gift in cash or property received from some person or organisation.
Excise taxes are the single largest revenue earner contributing 3 7 per cent of total tax revenue in 2003-0 Other direct taxes like wealth tax, gift tax and estate duty (now abolished) have never been of much significance in terms of revenue yield and have thus been referred to as 'paper taxes'.
Reserving a first class compartment for himself and Timothy—no one would share a compartment with them— Grandfather took him to Lucknow where the zoo authorities were only too glad to receive as a gift a well-fed and fairly civilised tiger.
Reserving a first class compartment for himself and Timothy—no one would share a compartment with them— Grandfather took him to Lucknow where the zoo authorities were only too glad to receive as a gift a well-fed and fairly civilised tiger.
For example, if a boy has put in a lot of effort into making a special birthday gift for his friend and this friend does not say anything about this, then the boy may feel de-valued.
For example, someone may come to us on behalf of a group and give us a gift (something free), saying that it is for promotion.
संबंधित शब्द सस्ती वस्तु के पर्यायवाची सस्ती वस्तु के विपरीत शब्द